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InfixEdu v2.7.0 – Open Source Flutter for Android & iOS App Source

InfixEdu v2.7.0 – Open Source Flutter for Android & iOS App Source Code Free Download. This Application provided On-time Information and Share specified Information via any Android and iOS operated mobile phone. Management, Staff, Students, Teachers, and other Institution involved persons can get Access and update any Information instantly.

Main Features

  • Student List
  • Approve and Reject Leave requests
  • Staff Information
  • Zoom class and meeting
  • Apply Leave
  • Class Attendance
  • Examination Schedule and Result
  • View Subjects
  • Dormitory Details
  • Upload/Delete Study Materials
  • School Notice
  • Evaluate Student homework
  • Library Books
  • Create Transport Route
  • Full Notification
  • Contact Teachers
  • and more

Download InfixEdu Open Source Flutter for Android & iOS

Live Demo: View Demo




Free download InfixEdu Open Source Flutter for Android & iOS app source code by CodeThemes on Codecanyon premium education application InfixEdu Flutter app download.

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